MLS - Michigan Lutheran Seminary
MLS stands for Michigan Lutheran Seminary
Here you will find, what does MLS stand for in Veterinary under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Michigan Lutheran Seminary? Michigan Lutheran Seminary can be abbreviated as MLS What does MLS stand for? MLS stands for Michigan Lutheran Seminary. What does Michigan Lutheran Seminary mean?The Veterinary company falls under veterinary category and is located in Saginaw, Michigan and handles veterinary.
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Alternative definitions of MLS
- Multiple Location Scheduling
- Multi List Service
- My Lucky Star
- Multi Level Security
- Miles City, Montana USA
- Macrolides Lincosamides And Streptogra
- Multi- Layer Switching
- Multi Level Security
View 168 other definitions of MLS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- MUT Munich University of Technology
- MPL Max Promotions Limited
- MSPL Magic Systems Pvt. Ltd.
- MESL Merlin Environmental Solutions Ltd
- MG The Mothership Group
- MTSWC MT. Sinai Wellness Center
- MAS Moder Automotive Service
- MSC Main Street Café
- MBLI Master of Business Leadership Inc
- MER Memphis Escape Rooms
- MGKTS MGK Technical Services
- MBE Miami Business Enterprises
- MDR Matrix Debt Relief
- MBMWO MBM Welfare Organization
- MOAC Marine One Acceptance Corp
- MCS Merced County Sheriff
- MNMS Mill Neck Manor School
- MC Make a Change
- MMDGMSC MMD Global Manpower Services Co
- MIL Medical International LLC